Plaintext Distro 

Purveyors of fine low tech, anti-capitalist, bitsyfolk, game-making and cultural zines
Hi! We are a distro making zines on topics near and dear to our hearts more easily accessible to zine-lovers around the world. We believe that the technological obsession with innovation has led to a relationship with technology that is intrusive, wasteful, and not based in the amazing potential for resource sharing and creativity that is fundamental to digital media like the internet. We are curious about ways to do more with less: less energy, less e-waste, and less centralizing our culture on platforms that are purely profit-motivated. Maintenance and right-to-repair, low tech game making, the history of software art, radically remaking copyright and IP law, digital decentralization, DIY projects, perspectives on the abolition of private corporations, prisons, work and money, and mining the old web for solutions to new problems that we didn't know we already had are some of our primary interests. If you feel that your writing, artistic practice, hobby or even stray thoughts fit in any of these categories, consider letting us print and distribute your zine!
Next Event: Carlisle Zine Fest 2024 - Saturday 7th December from 11am-4pm! 
Our Zines (
indicates new zines for 2024!)
Sign up to our mailing list for news on future zine fairs.
- How do I submit my work?
Your zine should be submitted in a print-ready, black and white format, preferably formatted to international A4 size. The layouts can be single-page mini zines, as well as a variety of double-sided print booklets. In general you should try not to require more than 8 sheets of paper, but there can be certain exceptions. Files should be sent by email. I will get back to you about your submission and any issues with it as soon as I can.
- How will it be distributed?
Typically I print and distribute the zines myself, at a zine fair or other similar event. Sign up to our mailing list for news on future events.
- Where do any profits go?
Plaintext as a project prioritizes distributing interesting small publications for the value of sharing them over making returns on them. I will price the zines at as close to cost (tabling fees + printing + shipping) as possible. If there is a significant amount of cash on hand after these costs, it will either go into subsequent print runs or be distributed to a cause related to our goals and interests above, and all contributing members will be able to participate in a consensus-based discussion to determine which cause will be supported.
- Who is running this?
Em Reed, a longtime zine, low tech and art games aficionado.
- What is the current timeline?
We will be at Carlisle Zine Fest on Saturday 7th December 2024 from 11am-4pm. Sign up to our mailing list for more information on future events and zine tables as they are confirmed.
If you have any additional questions, email me! | Subscribe for updates here!